Before the formation of NUG’s sponsored organizations such as People’s Defense Team, People’s Administration Team, People’s Security Team, Wetlet based GZ Special Task Force fight against the military council troops by using with weapons that they can collected. Now the leader of GZ Special Task Force was put on wanted list by the Wetlet People’s Administrative Team (PAT) by his real name, his village name, his parents name. Also PAT announced they issued the “College Official order” that if he did not come and surrender, they will confiscated his land on May 6th, 2023. Wetlet PAT said they have the power to issue the warrant and has the right to confiscated the land.

Era’s Eye covered with a black ink on the Ko GZ personal data because his identity has been blown up by the PAT which will danger for him and his family. Our editor asked a high court lawyer about the word “Collage official “used by PAT, he said it was used by the British colonial era and equivalent to a “first class judge” but the usage is not use for a long time.

Also, the NUG has no authority to give them power because there is no parliament to issue the order. Era’s Eyes reporter called Ko GZ by phone about this incident he said he was not contacted by any of the PAT members, PAT and PDT Wetlet has been doing whatever they want in the area.