Karen National Union (KNU) President Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win said, his organization will be working hand in hand with every nationality and organization that is resisting military dictators and tyrants. The message was sent by KNU President Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win to the 74th “ Karen National Liberation (Kawthoolei) Army Day” .
As Karen national armed resistance fighters, need to understand themselves as Karen nationals and must fight against the enemies of the Karen nationals and the public.
Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win said that the current political and military situation is completely different from the situation that happened throughout the history of the country, so it is necessary to do more effective defense for the entire public.
Also, he would like to express his best wishes to all groups that are fighting against the military dictatorship and authoritarian regimes, and to thank all the Karen nationals at home and abroad who are helping and supporting them.