နောက်ဆုံးတင်ဆက်ထားသည်မှာ 2025 ခုနှစ်၊ ဧပြီလ 1 ရက်



Are you qualified to rule the country?

Era’s Eye Editorial.

Are you qualified to rule the country? The Burmese Embassy in Tokyo recently released a letter titled “ Publication of Job Offer Lists” .

In that letter, the Burmese Embassy has checked the documents of whether the labor supervision company in Japan and the factories/companies recruiting for work are legally established in Japan, and the findings and comments are being sent back to the Ministry of Labor in Burma through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo has sent the information related to (342) job offer letters from Japan to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between September (1st) and (15th). It would be good if the embassy verifies whether Japanese companies are actually recruiting or not. If you ask the question of why people want to work abroad, the answer is clear. Because jobs are scarce locally.

The reason why it is rare is that the ruling government cannot create jobs locally. The answer is that the job is not enough to support the family. Among workers who work in foreign countries, most people want to go to Japan because the salary is higher than in other countries. Therefore, Japanese schools and the Japanese labor markets have appeared in Myanmar.

At the same time, the Military Council Propaganda Telegram news in Myanmar said that the children of military veterans can apply to work in Japan between the ages of 18 and 30, a tattooed person cannot qualify for a job. Workers must be able to work for at least (3) years.

The salary will be about 18 million yen per month, and travel expenses will be about 45 million yen. (After 6 months of training, you have to take an interview) (September 29, 2023) Finally, they can apply from the nearby veteran’s offices. It seems that the main purpose is to favor the veterans, but how can they pay the 45 lakhs? Perhaps a loan from a veteran’s organization.

In addition to these factors, the Military Council recently issued an order that those working abroad must deposit 25% of their salary in state-owned banks at the exchange rate. According to local news reports, the Burmese Military Council will require workers working abroad to deposit 25% of their foreign currency earnings into the country’s banking system. The money paid by the workers will be exchanged in Myanmar Kyat according to the rate set by the government.

The rate will be about 40% lower than the market price. Consequently, these implications will also affect the two million Burmese workers legally working in Thailand and the local families who depend on them. As for the military council, it was not easy to create domestic jobs and the coup d’état did not succeed easily, but it was opposed by the entire public, and when the country’s economic development declined from all sides, it encouraged its people to work abroad, and on the one hand, it made a frenzy of unplanned ideas that tried to exploit the wages of those workers, highlighting that it is not qualified to rule the country.

(လွတ်လပ်သည့် မီဒီယာအဖြစ် ရေရှည်ရပ်တည်နိုင်ရေး သင်တို့အကူအညီလိုအပ်နေပါသည်။ ဤနေရာတွင် www.eraseye.com/donation နှိပ်၍ လှူဒါန်းနိုင်ပါသည်)