It is reported that the military council gave additional death sentence to the township field officer of the All Burma Federation of Students’ Union (ABFSU), Ko Kaung Set pine.
The ABFSU announced that the Insein Prison Military Court given additional death sentence to Ko Kaung Set Pine last Tuesday on April 25. A 20-year-old student, Ko Kaung Set Pine was charged under Section 49(a), 50(i) of violence and sentenced to the death.
It turns out that these articles are the articles used by the military council to sentence Ko Jimmy and Ko Zaya Thaw to death. The Bakhtas League said that the military council’s action to extend the death sentence to Ko Kaung Set Pine was an unjust and one-sided ruling by the military coup d’état. Ko Kaung Set Pine, who is in charge of the field activities of the North Okkalapa Township Students’ Union (ABFSU), was arrested in North Okkalapa Township on December 1 last year. Era’sEyes/Photo: ABFSU