The emergency period has been extended for another six months, according to initial reports on the Telegram channels of media outlets supporting the military council. For the emergency period that is about to expire, a Ka/Lon meeting was convened in Nay Pyi Taw on the morning of July 31, and it was reported that it was completed at about 10:30 am.
It said that Vice President U Henry Van Thieu, who was unable to attend the previous Ka/Lon meetings due to health reasons, attended today’s meeting. The Military Council launched a coup d’état in February 2021 as per the constitution. After the extension of the emergency period, the coup period has now reached (3) years. It is likely that the details of the extension of the emergency period and the presentation of the meeting will be announced by the military council through the national television news broadcast at 8:00 p.m. today.
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