According to the press release of One Star Task Force-OSTF, a policeman in Salingyi police station was seriously injured by two 40mm mortars attacked. It is said that on July 6, One Star Task Force-OSTF attacked Salingyi City Police Station, where policemen under the Military Council are stationed, with two 40mm guns.
“ There was a guerilla attack from about 200 feet away from Salingyi City Police Station with two 40mm mortars. “ According to the insider news, one police man was seriously injured,” OSTF said. Due to the close attack, Salingyi Police Station returned fire, and OSTF had to retreat because they have run out of 40 mm ammunition. It is known that the attacked was carried out by One Star Task Force-OSTF and Solo Thubaraza, and they requested public to check their web page called “ Revolutionary Lipstick” (Lipstick means bullets) and help to donate their ammunition requirements. #Era’sEye