A final year student at Yangon University of Education, the joint secretary of the university’s
student union, and a member of All Burma Students’ Federation Union (ABSFU), Ma Nan
Twe Tar Oo was sentenced to 10 years in prison, according to ABSFU . Ma Nan Twe Tar
Oo is an anti-dictatorship activist and was arrested in June 2022 while working against the
military coup . On June 9, 2022 the military council arrested and prosecuted her.

On December 29th, Mawlamyaing Court sentenced Ma Nan Twe Tar Oo to 10 years in prison
under section 50 (j) of terrorism. Political analysts and observers say that manipulation of
laws and unjustly applying the law by giving severe sentences is a coercive action. Political
analysts said that if the Military Council continues to arrest, kill and imprison young
students like this, a free and fair democracy is still far away. MoeHtetNway/Era’sEyes |