On the morning of April 5th, the Lion Battalion strategic column led by Major Al-Saewah and the revolutionary allied forces attacked hill top 5 BGF outposts at Shwekokko area, Myawaddy township, Karen State.
It was reported that the outposts were captured by allied forces. In the battles, 85 people from the army and the BGF were killed and 75 weapons were seized, according to the Lion Battalion strategic column.
BGF troops which were under the control of Military council and stationed in Shwekokko area at Htee Warpalaw, and Hteekawhtaw villages. The Allied forces are continuing to penetrate and attack the Shwekokko area, and the details of the situation will continue to be released. Era’s Eyes | Photo – Lion Battalion strategic column, The full video of the battle posted on the
Era’sEyes Youtube Channel.