It is reported that thousands of residents of 13 villages in Kyun Hla Township and Kanbalu Township have been forced to flee to safety due to the army’s artillery shelling and small arms fire, including the burning of civilian homes.
Due to the military council’s artillery shelling and small arms fire, Kya takan, Htan Pin Kone villages in Kyun Hla town and Shan Kone, Pint Tha, Chaung Kya, Phalarya, Innma, Nagarpaw, Aoke Khin, Hinphyutaw, Pinte, Innkyinsu, and InnKyin Myaing villages from Kanbalu township, thousands of residents are fleeing for safety.
In addition, from the morning of June 14th, the Light infantry 361 column under the Military Council, entering into Shan Kone village in Sagaing Region, Kanbalu township and shooting inside the village by using small arms and artillery shelling.

That Shangone village was burned down for the first time on November 11, 2022, and now, for the second time, the Military Council troops burned down 4 civilian homes and one rice barn, according to the Kyun Hla-Kantbalu activists group. In Kanbalu District, the local residents who fled the war are facing the danger of fighting as well as the danger of snake bites.
According to the group’s statements, there have been no less than 73 patients bitten by snakes within 2 years period.