Muse Township Between the village of Nam Taung and the village of Pha Phint, the Army division 99 and Light Infantry 420 and militia joint forces attacked, the TNLA (TNLA) Brigade (1), According to the TNLA’s press release on August 27th, there was a fierce battle between the battalion 571.
He said that the army and the militia group destroyed the main road between Nam Taung and Pan Kyaun by bulldozers but TNLA repaired it on August 23rd.
It is reported that on August 27th, a two-sided battle broke out between the village of Nam Taung and the village of Pha Phint, between the army and the TNLA unit, which was conducting an offensive from 105 miles away with a bulldozer to further destroy the main road repaired by the TNLA.
Similarly, on August 26 at 4:50 pm in the evening, it was reported that the army and the TNLA Brigade 5th Battalion 335 fought near Maint Pein.
It is known that during the battle that took place between the village of Nam Taung and the village of Pha Phing, the army suffered casualties.
According to the news release, there have been 13 battles between the TNLA and the army in the month of August.
Era’s Eye News