It is reported that the allied joint forces operating in the territory of the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade (6) have issued an order to stop traffic on the Myawaddy – Kawkayeik’s Asia Road in Karen State starting from April (7).
The joint statement was signed by Cobra column; white dragon column, Lion Battalion KNU/KNLA(PC) Battalion Commander; KNU/KNLA(PC) Strategist; Black Panther column, Dawna column, Garuda column. white tiger column, Southern Military Region No. (3).

Since March 25th, the joint forces have been attacking the military council troops along Asia Road in Kawkayeik Township and Myawaddye Township.
The Military Council Army is using civilian cars to transport manpower, ammunition, and food via the Myawaddy-Kawkayeik’s Asia Highway. For this reason, it is informed that the order has been jointly issued in accordance with the decision of the meeting of the joint ground forces to prevent civilians from traveling through the Myawaddy- Kawkayeik’s Asia Highway for two weeks from April 7th to May 21st.
In the joint statement, it is also seen that the Karen Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC) troops, which are in peace talks with the military council, have participated in the attack against the military council.
Era’s Eyes | Photo – The Statement of the Allied Joint Columns.