According to a press release of the Special Operations Forces (S.O.F.), it had 87 battles in urban and rural areas, including captured camps, and killed 262 enemies. NUG Ministry of Defense Southern Military Region Command Today, July 21st, it has been exactly 2 years since the establishment of the Special Operations Force (S.O.F.) and the operational activities of the S.O.F.
According to the operational plans, the Special Operations Force (S.O.F.) operate in Yangon, Irrawaddy, Bago and Mon states under the name of Pyan Hlwa Aung operation and Nan Htike Aung operation. He said that in addition to the Nang Htike Aung operations, KNU Brigade (6th) and Brigade (4th) areas were carried out in cooperation with KNLA troops in rural operations.

Operations in Yangon area such as, Bagaya, Thanlyin Bridge, Htantabin junction, Hlaingthaya Pagoda Road, North Okkalapa Bridge, Bahan’s Army Officer Avenue, Army checkpoints including Insein Prison Officer’s Avenue, Thaketa Police Station, North Okkalapa Police Station and Hlaingthaya Police Station with heavy weapons and small arms.
They intercepted and attack of the Military Council Prime Minister’s convoy in Irrawaddy Region and in Mon State, they attack police stations, pro-military militia Pu Saw Hội’s gates many times. Also, they occupied Three Pagoda Pass town’s Phaya Taung camp. They were able to attack the military camps in the area many times, and takeover Thanbyuzayat town Taungkalay camp, Kyain Seikgyi Town’s Taung sum camp and Kawkareik Town’s Taungkyain camp including 39 battles and 16 attacked by using drones and heavy weapons.
During the battles 54 small arms were seized, illegal drugs and some unlicensed cars were seized and destroyed, and the Special Operations Forces (S.O.F.) announced in the statement that they will continue to fight as “ arms of the revolution” until the development of a democratic federal union system has been established.