Sagaing Region, Shwebo District, It is reported that thousands of local residents are fleeing because the military council troops are burning down the villages on the border of Tabayin and Ye U border.

The military council force of about 80 soldiers started in the morning of May 1st and passed through Motsi village in Ye U district and marched to villages near Tabayin border, Sae Gyi, Kokko Su, ZeinZun, Ywa Thalay, Muthakone, Pauk Tha, Nyaung Hla, Thayettaw, Let Yet Kone, Muu Khan, all together around 20 villages from 5000 villagers fled to the safe place according to the Tabayin Township War Evasion Support Group.
It has been announced that the nearby villages should help the people fleeing the war and that the Tabayin Township Refugee Support Group is working to provide food for emergency refugees.
Era’s Eye | (People fleeing from the villages between the 2 townships of Ye U and Tabayin, East Side. Photo: Support for people fleeing the war in Ye U Township).